
Gainesville Ga Home Inspector - 7 common problems that general home inspections bring to light.


7 common problems that general home inspections bring to light.


1. Plumbing:

• Leaking around exposed pipes, particularly with washing machines.
• Outdated pipes. It's common to find old Polybutylene pipes, which your inspector will recommend replacing.

2. Electrical:

Real Estate Tips for 2015

Do new proposed standards help or hurt Home Buyers?

Helping or Hurting Consumers?


While well intentioned, the recent move towards tightening up the home inspection industry may do more harm than good for the home buyer.


Home Inspection Checklist

Home buyers have it drilled into their heads that they need to get a home inspection. In California, for example, real estate agents advise home buyers to do a home inspection 15 ways from Sunday.